omega healthcare customer service jobs, work from home jobs

Full Time27-Sep-2024

Full expected set of responsibilities

This position is accessible as far as we're concerned up-and-comers as it were. Assuming that you have the necessary experience and are keen on this open door, if it's not too much trouble, send a refreshed resume.


Under restricted watch, the medical attendant will attempt to contact patients by means of telephone, message or email for either grown-up health, post pregnancy or pediatric wellbeing visits. These calls are intended to overcome any barrier in care and help them comprehend and use assets under their protection plan inclusion.


Fundamental Work Capabilities

Gives effort to patients in 3 states: Ohio, Georgia, and Indiana.

Urges people to plan with a supplier by means of telehealth arrangements.

Works with likely patients inside the move populace to counsel by means of telehealth.

Assisting with organizing the booking of meetings with the medical care suppliers.

Urge designated statewide populaces to expand utilization of administrations under their protection to improve the grown-up, mother or kid's general prosperity.

Dry effort crusades through telephone, messages and messages.

Properly answering inbound calls and overseeing inbox patient volumes.

Should have adaptability to work hours in eastern time regions, full-time with inclusion for 7 days every week.

Work Type: All day


omega healthcare customer service jobs, work from home jobs